Startup owner with market research data charts

Get market validation for your SaaS ideas

Validation is your AI-Powered market research analyst that provides you with tangible, deep insights to your product market questions. 

Imagine being able to know who needs what right now!

See, monitor, adapt and change your strategy through the Validation console. 

Is there a market for your product? Is your problem worth solving?

Validation provides analysis of competitors, features they use, how big the market is, how much it is growing, and who your target audience is for additional validation. 

Harness market research in order to see your TAM, increase share of wallet and find product market fit

Automatically schedule time with your new key contacts

Validation finds your target audience and then incentivizes them to schedule time with you through gift cards and charity donations so you can get deeper insights 1:1 with the people who need that problem solved first-hand. 

Get valuable feedback from your target audience 

We automate A/B questionnaires to targeted individuals and communities. Machine learning compares tests and refines the results to target even more key sources to consistently improve data. 


validate. your. product @gmail. com

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