A picture of Cristina and I in Barcelona - and documentation that she prefers herringbone, while I'm a stripes kind of guy

Hi, I'm Nate

I'm a musician and entrepreneur from Portland, OR.

Validation is a passion project based on my real needs. As the CEO of Next Reason, a bootstrapped B2B enterprise consumer identity management (CIAM) SaaS company, I have found it difficult to quickly and effectively validate our ideas due to the elusive nature of our target market. I believe in leveling the playing field for founders by providing access to the same information. 

My hope is that other bootstrapped (or funded) startups will be able to use this product to cut years and costs off of their lifecycle, ultimately finding their product market fit.

If you're interested, sign-up on the wait list and I'l be sending periodic updates along with giving out some free accounts for the first few early adopters :)